We listen regularly to what our customers have to say about the deep health insights they get from their Health Intelligence™ or Gut Intelligence™ test results and recommendations. We get lots of great news about how following their recommendations has impacted them.
Q: Did you feel that you were able to follow your personalized food recommendations?
Approximately 90%* of those we talked to were able to follow their recommendations fully every day, or follow them daily - except for a few foods (we all have those few foods that we just don’t want to eat), or as closely as they could for about 60 days.
Very few (under 10%) followed them for a short amount of time, or were not able to follow them at all.
Q: How do you feel after these 90 days with Viome’s recommendations?
In our recent August check-in, nearly 70% of those who spoke to us through our online survey found improvement in the way they feel after 90 days with their recommendations. Many felt good, with a few noticeable symptoms improving for them. Some noticed a significant improvement in how they felt after 90 days with their recommendations.
“Reduced fatigue, I’m able to make it through the whole day without caffeine, sugar, or a nap. I have lost weight and feel much better overall.”
“My stomach felt a lot better and so did some of my joint pain.”
“My bloating has decreased SIGNIFICANTLY!!!! Same with my pain. Absolutely worth the process. I recommend to everyone.”
“I feel like a whole different person. My energy is good. My thinking is clearer. I rarely have stomach aches or digestive issues.”
“The information given has been hugely beneficial. I will continue to follow the advice given and re-test in the near future to see how things have changed.”
Q: Based on your individual health needs, are you looking forward to seeing how your results and recommendations have changed with a retest?
60% told us they were looking forward to seeing how their results and recommendations will have changed by retesting with either Health Intelligence or Gut Intelligence.
*Tabulation of 90-Day Customer Survey as of 08-01-21
The information on the Viome website is provided for informational purposes only and with the understanding that Viome is not engaged in rendering medical advice or recommendations. Viome provides this educational information to share the exciting developments being reported in the scientific literature about the human microbiome and your health. Viome products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.